TIP: Searching for a name?
If you are looking for a specific forename/surname combination, a company name or any other multiple ordered word searches we suggest using Phrase search in the advanced form. This will bring you the most relevant results (well, the most specific!).
This is because the search engine looks for the word coordinates which are closest together on a given page or in an article (rather than just giving you separate instances of those words). You can also carry out a phrase search using double inverted commas around your search in the basic search box on the homepage. e.g. “Mary Smith”.
Happy searching!
More tips coming soon . . .
Best wishes,
The British Newspaper Archive team
4 comments On Tip 1: How to search for a name in The British Newspaper Archive
I have done several different combinations of search to find a George Mason who committed suicide by hanging in 1920. There was an inquest. I wondered if there is any way to be emailed if such a mentioned is digitised. I thought that if there was a news article, it may not have been digitised yet.
Hi Lynne,
Thanks for your post.
Oh, sorry, but we think it’d be a massive task to set up individual alerts based on searches of names. We know what you mean, and it’s a very good idea – it’s just that the logistics of it would likely be daunting.
When there’s new content published on the site, we add the title to this page:
And as searching the website is free (and always will be), people can always return to the site to do a search.
Best regards,
I need to review the “computer weekly” magazine of August 1973
Hi Mohamed, we’re afraid magazines like Computer Weekly aren’t available online at The British Newspaper Archive.
You could try searching the British Library’s catalogue to see if they hold a copy of the magazine: http://catalogue.bl.uk/primo_library/libweb/action/search.do?vid=BLVU1