Fred Perry was of course one of the greatest players in tennis history, having won three consecutive Wimbledons from 1934 to 1936. He was the last British winner of Wimbledon until Andy Murray’s victory in 2013. Fred Perry ‘delivering a characteristic vigorous smash’ during the 1936 Wimbledon | The Sphere | 27 June 1936 However, despite his third (and final) Wimbledon victory in 1936, he was the victim of an unfortunate accident whilst playing an exhibition match a couple months before in …
The fact that the green, purple and white colours of the Suffragette Movement are the same colours used by Wimbledon, has sometimes been commented upon. With this in mind, we thought we’d try and find some newspaper stories that bring together Wimbledon and the suffragettes. Oh, and we found some stories! We found two reports about an incident in 1913 when a suffragette attempted to burn down Wimbledon. One from the time, in the Derby Daily Telegraph, and another from fifteen …
With the Open Championship taking place this week, we thought we’d post a story that captures the delightful daftness of the game of golf. The story we’ve chosen is the amazing and surreal climax to the 1876 Open. Since the tournament organisers forgot to book the Old Course so that they could hold the competition, it turned out to be a very memorable Open. Illustrated Sporting & Dramatic News | 22 May 1936 As a result of not booking the course, …