resolutions | The British Newspaper Archive Blog


How to live to 100 : History’s centenarians reveal their secrets

And so, as with every New Year, we welcome the quinoa-packed saucepans, virtuous jars of coconut oil and the herbal remedies which, we hope, will push out the carbs and caffeine binges of last year. The supermarket queue displays a thousand promises of health, wealth and well-being from slim, smiling models. But in a world where a simple glass of red wine can have a thousand conflicting effects from self-declared health experts, what’s the real secret to longevity? Well, why not take a look

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Cheeky New Year Resolutions for Late 19th Century Politicians, Written by Mischievous Newspaper Scribblers

As is tradition, with a new year comes new resolutions and the subsequent struggle to keep them! To add some levity to the task of creating your own resolutions, we’re sharing this cheeky newspaper article from January 1889, which comprises a list of resolutions for the leading politicians of the day.   And in acknowledgment of the struggle to keep one’s resolutions, we’ve included this short piece from 1913.     Subscribe today to discover history as it happened  

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