34 million pages on The Archive | The British Newspaper Archive Blog


Hot Off The Press – New Titles This Week

This week we have added 182,823 brand new pages to The Archive, meaning that we have now passed the 34 million mark! We are delighted with this achievement, and delighted to also welcome six brand new London titles to our collection, which span the first half of the nineteenth century, including the world’s first ever evening newspaper, the Star (London).

Star (London) | 2 January 1830

Founded on 3 May 1788 by publisher John Murray, among others, the Star (London) was the world’s first ever evening newspaper. Published daily (bar Sunday), the newspaper’s tagline was ‘The Constitution – Nothing Less, and Nothing More.’ Another of our new newspapers – the National Register (London) – had a similar tagline – ‘Our King, Constitution and Laws.’ Printed by John Twigg and published on the unusual days of Monday and Sunday, this newspaper features some examples of illustrations from as early as 1808.

This week’s new updates include further evening titles, including the Statesman (London) and the Express (London). The Statesman (London) was a daily title owned by Robert Wardell, but the newspaper went out of print in 1824 when Wardell sailed to Australia with business partner William Wentworth to found the country’s first ever independent newspaper, The Australian. Our other evening title is the Express (London), printed by William Anselm Jones in the mid 1800s. This again was another publication produced on a daily basis, bar Sundays.

Statesman (London) | 13 July 1809

Rounding off our new publications this week is the British Press, which was a daily newspaper published in London in the early 1800s, and the Press (London)which was published on Saturdays in the mid 1800s.

We also have extensive updates to our existing titles, with new years added to our specialist sporting publication the Fishing Gazette, and Victorian women’s newspaper the Lady’s Own Paper. Our London titles have also been augmented, with updates to the Sun (London) and the Middlesex Independent, amongst others. The north of the country has not been neglected either, with updates to the North British Daily Mail and the Newcastle Daily Chronicle.

With the addition of multiple newspapers covering the first decade of the nineteenth century, it is possible to take a look at one of the main events of that era, the outpouring of grief upon the death of Admiral Lord Horatio Nelson. Struck by a bullet during the Battle of Trafalgar on his flagship HMS Victory, Nelson was taken below decks where he died on 21 October 1805. It was not until January 1806, however, that his funeral took place at St Paul’s Cathedral, which is described in detail by our new publications.

Admiral Lord Horatio Nelson | Illustrated London News | 20 March 1954

The British Press, 8 January 1806, describes the rehearsals for the state funeral, mainly concentrating on the ‘solemn and sublime music’ that was to be played. By this account, it is possible to see why this rehearsal was necessary, for the procession to the front of the cathedral ‘moved so slow, that by the time they got a little beyond the aile, or under the centre of the dome, they had finished the service.’

Meanwhile, the the Star (London) describes in detail, and over several pages, the funeral procession and service:

Heaven smiled on the last obsequies of our beloved Nelson. The day was, throughout, one of the finest that ever dawned at this season of the year – bright and cheering. Long before the sun rise (it being a clear, moonlight morning) the note of preparation was heard in every direction; and the multitude, who had meditated a farewell sight of their revered Leader’s remains, were every where in motion – so that by eight o’clock the streets through which the procession was to pass were crowded with pedestrians, as were also the windows and roofs of all the houses from the Admiralty to St Paul’s, while the outskirts of the town were entirely deserted.

Funeral of Lord Nelson Illustrated London News | 13 November 1852

This public outpouring of grief was quite unprecedented, and perhaps can be likened to the death of Princess Diana in modern times. However, the funeral procession did not go quite according to plan, as the exit from Nelson’s resting place at the Admiralty ‘was not sufficiently wide to admit its introduction.’ Adjustments were made, and the cortege moved along to St Paul’s.

Funeral car of Lord Nelson Lady’s Own Paper | 25 September 1852

Along the procession were many different regiments, including the Duke of Gordon’s Highlanders and the Prince of Wales’ Dragoons. Eventually, the procession reached St Paul’s were ‘the crew of the Victory appeared in a most copious group.’ The doors of the cathedral had been open since seven o’clock in the morning to admit the mourning public, with capacity soon being reached, and although the coffin itself did not appear until one o’clock, there was ‘not a symptom of impatience…discoverable.’

The funeral of Lord Nelson at St Paul’s Cathedral The Tatler | 18 October 1905

Attending the funeral were many dignitaries and members of the royal family, including the Prince of Wales (later George IV) and the Duke of Sussex. Furthermore, the newspapers at the time reveal how Lord Nelson’s sad death was even at that time monetised – Messrs Boydell and Co advertising prints ‘from the best Picture’ of the death of Lord Nelson. Over two hundred years on, these new titles added to The Archive give a wonderful contemporary view of one of the biggest events of the century – with much more to come!

New Titles
Years Added
Statesman (London)1806, 1809-1815, 1818-1824
Star (London)1801-1831
Press (London)1853-1858
National Register (London)1808-1809, 1811-1823
British Press1803-1812, 1814-1822, 1824-1826
Express (London)1846-1867
Updated Titles

This week we have updated nine of our existing titles.

You can learn more about each of the titles we add to every week by clicking on their names. On each paper’s title page, you can read a FREE sample issue, learn more about our current holdings, and our plans for digitisation.

Years Added
North British Daily Mail1872-1874, 1876, 1883
Sun (London)1804, 1836, 1839, 1841-1842, 1845-1847, 1865-1867, 1869-1871
Newcastle Daily Chronicle1897
Kensington Post1989
Fishing Gazette1892
Middlesex Independent1894
Ealing Leader1996
Lady’s Own Paper1854-1863
Hayes & Harlington Gazette1986

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