literary locations | The British Newspaper Archive Blog


Hot Off The Press – New Titles This Week

This week at The Archive we’re delighted to welcome one brand new newspaper title to our collection, namely Yorkshire’s Hebden Bridge Times, alongside a total of 245,806 brand new pages. Meanwhile, from Derbyshire to Dunstable, from Eastbourne to Earlestown, from Thame to Todmorden, we have updated 15 of our existing titles from across England and Scotland. So read on to learn more about all of our new and updated titles of the week, as well as to discover more about

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Hot Off The Press – New Titles This Week

This week we have been busy adding 264,361 brand new pages to The Archive, with 22 brand new titles added over the past seven days. We’ve added 6 new titles from Scotland, as well as 5 brand new titles from England, and a wonderful 11 new titles have joined us this week as part of the ongoing Heritage Made Digital project in partnership with the British Library. So from Redditch to Rutherglen, from society gossip to society reform, this week’s offerings at The Archive offer a splendid array of both locations and

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Hot Off The Press – New Titles This Week

This week at The Archive we have added 99,778 brand new pages, with seven brand new special interest titles joining our collection over the past seven days, which provide an incredible snapshot of early twentieth century culture. From cars to yachts, from movies to the modern man, our new titles this week furnish an exciting panorama of what life was like over one hundred years ago. Meanwhile, we have extensive updates to some of our existing titles, with over 50,000 pages being added to

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Hot Off The Press – New Titles This Week

This week at The Archive we have been busier than usual, bringing you a glut of new and updated titles. In total, we have added an incredible 44 brand new titles to our collection, which may well be a record, with 149,250 brand new pages added in all. Register now and explore the Archive Our new titles cover a range of specialities, from religion to the railways, and a range of locations, from London to Liverpool. Meanwhile, we have also updated 29 of our existing

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Guest Post: From Cupid’s Messenger to The Link – How Did LGBTQ People Meet in the Early 20th Century?

As part of our celebration of Pride Month, we are delighted to welcome a very special guest post from Vicky Iglikowski-Broad, who works as the Principal Diverse Histories Records Specialist at The National Archives. In this blog, Vicky Iglikowski-Broad explores one of the latest specialist titles to be added to the British Newspaper Archive, namely Link. Read on to discover more. Register now and explore The Archive Amongst the myriad of publications that developed in the early 20th century was a curious little

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Hot Off The Press – New Titles This Week

This week we have added 112,314 new pages to The Archive. We are delighted to see updates to over seventy of our existing titles, which cover locations across the British Isles and Ireland. As well as updating regional papers, there are updates to some of our specialist titles including sporting publication The Referee, and religious publication the Catholic Standard. Updates this week variously cover the years 1872, 1912 and 1959, with more extended additions joining the Fulham Chronicle. We also have two brand new

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