The British Newspaper Archive Blog - Part 62


Blog Posts

Fashion findings – autumn knitting

As autumn gets truly underway, the warm clothes come out and the knitting needles start clacking. Knitting has a long tradition. This versatile skill could be utilised at anytime — and often was. Printed in the Illustrated War News in 1914, a group of women were photographed knitting in a wine cellar during bombardments in Rheims. Womanly sympathy with the soldiers is taking the practical form on the Continent, and in our own country, of knitting “comforts” for them, but the

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Hot off the press – new titles added this week

This past week we’ve added 194,560 pages to the Archive.  It’s been a week for updating existing titles, and eleven titles have had new years added.  You can learn more about each of the titles we have added to this week by clicking on their names below. On each paper’s title page you can learn more about our holdings and our plans for digitisation. Register now and explore the Archive   This week we’ve added to the Coleraine Chronicle, a newspaper

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Cookery Corner – Pies

In our Cookery Corner this month, we are diving into comforting pie dishes.  Whether sweet or savoury, there is nothing better than the smell of a freshly baked pie. In our Local English Fare post last month, we found a recipe for an eel pie. This month we will look at other savoury pie recipes as well as a few sweet treats too.  Finding recipes for pies was incredibly easy.  Simply by searching for +pie +ingredients we received thousands of results

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Hot off the press – new titles added this week

The British Newspaper Archive

This week we added 147,031 pages to The Archive.  We added two brand new titles this week, one for Hampshire and one for Durham.  We also added to ten existing titles. Both of the new titles joining The Archive this week are still published today.  The Darlington & Stockton Times, Ripon & Richmond Chronicle is celebrating 170 years this month; once digitistation is complete, we will have a run from the first edition on 2 October 1847 to 1911.   The Hants

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Facing the past in Ruby Wax’s Family Tree

In this week’s episode of Who Do You Think You Are? Ruby Wax confronted the hidden past in her family tree.  The episode proved cathartic for Ruby who came to a better understanding of her parents’ lives, particularly her mother’s.  The personal revelations perfectly illustrated that it is one thing to know ‘history’ in general terms, it is quite another when that history has directly impacted your family. When family cannot or will not speak about events it is possible

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Take a look inside the ILN offices

The Illustrated London News, the world’s first illustrated newspaper, debuted in 1842.  Over the decades, the publishers expanded into the ‘great 8’ titles: Sketch, Sphere, Tatler, Graphic, Bystander, Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News, and Britannia and Eve.  In 1928, the Illustrated London News published an illustration of the interior of their own offices at Inveresk House, ‘a hive of journalistic industry’. Discover more about the history of the Illustrated London News In the image, you can see the offices of the individual

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Headlines from History – October crimes and punishment

Kray twins portraits

Throughout the month of October, The British Newspaper Archive will take a closer look at stories of crime, courts, and punishment in the papers.  We have pulled together some headlines from the month of October including a riot, a case of arsenic poisoning, a couple of London’s notorious criminals, and a political crime. Register now! 4 October 1936 The Battle of Cable Street took place in London’s East End on the day of a scheduled march by Oswald Mosley’s right wing

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Hot off the press – titles added this week

We’ve had another great week at the Archive.  We’ve added 214,328 pages and now have over 22 million pages of historical newspapers for you to explore.  We have 7 brand new titles this week, and have added to 13 existing titles.  This past week we’ve added papers for England, Wales and Ireland. Joining the Archive this week we have papers for London, Kent, Lancashire, Leicestershire, Oxfordshire in England; Antrim in Ireland, and Cardiganshire in Wales. The first years of The

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Hot off the press – titles added this week

We had a bumper week at the Archive this past week, we added 205,942 pages and are now just 200,000 pages from twenty-two million pages in the Archive.  We have three brand new titles joining the Archive this week.  One each for England, Scotland and Wales. We have also updated fourteen existing titles. The Welsh newspaper the Denbighshire Free Press was also know as the Denbigh, Ruthin and Vale of Clwyd Free Press, Denbighshire, Flintshire and Merionethshire News, a name

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The Atlas – The Largest Sheet Ever Issued

This week The British Newspaper Archive is thrilled to announce the release of a brand new title, The Atlas or, in its full form, The Atlas and General Newspaper and Journal of Literature.  The size of the paper caused a sensation when it first came out.  The London based newspapers was printed on 40cm sheets, double the size of average papers, making it the largest newspaper.  Its size was reflected in the price of 10d, which would be close to £5 today.  The price was

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