archaeology | The British Newspaper Archive Blog


Hot Off The Press – New Titles This Week

This week at The Archive we have added an incredible 304,139 brand new pages to our collection, as well as one brand new newspaper from Northern Ireland, which sheds light on the discovery of Tullylish monastery in County Down. Meanwhile, from Arbroath to Aylesbury, from Belfast to Banbury, from Wolverhampton to Worthing, we have updated 22 of our existing titles from across England, Scotland and Northern Ireland. So read on to discover more about our new and updated titles of

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Roman Amphitheatres – Blog #3 by Edmund King

Upon recently visiting the Roman amphitheatre at Arles, I marvelled at the scale of the building, and Roman engineering skills. Picture taken of Arles amphitheatre – Image © Edmund MB King During the visit, we came across a notice board: ‘Principaux amphitheatres du monde romain’, which shows a list of dimensions for each one. Arles is number twelve on the list, out of twenty-one. I was intrigued that Pouzzoles ( Pozzuoli/ Puteoli)  was even larger than the colosseum in Rome.

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