From South Shields to Saint Lucia, from Carmarthen to Canada, we’ve added 155,351 brand new pages to The Archive this week, spanning over 180 years of headlines. Furthermore, we’ve updated eighteen of our existing titles, with updates covering our regional titles from England, Scotland and Wales, as well as some of our international titles from Canada and the Caribbean. So read on to discover more about our updated titles of the week, as well as to learn about the bombing of a newspaper …
local news
As we continue to explore all things space and the stars this month at The Archive, we thought we’d delve into a more unexplained aspect of our night sky – UFOs. Standing for ‘Unidentified Flying Objects,’ a term coined by the United States Air Force in 1953, the term ‘UFO’ can be applied to any aerial phenomenon that cannot immediately be explained or identified. The appearance of UFOs is often linked to speculation around the existence of extraterrestrial life, and sightings of …
Here at The Archive, as well as exploring pioneering figures of the past, and momentous moments from history, we like to celebrate the best of our collection’s local news, however bizarre, amusing and strange! Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News | 13 May 1959 With so many regional titles to be found on The Archive, there are many surprising and unusual stories to be found from around the country. And none more amazing is the story of Buttercup the cow, who was …