Manchester | The British Newspaper Archive Blog


Hot Off The Press – New Titles This Week

Another week here at The Archive and we’re delighted to introduce yet another brand new newspaper title to our collection, Yorkshire’s Pudsey & Stanningley News. The newness does not stop there, however, as we’ve added 206,336 brand new pages to The Archive all together over the last seven days. Meanwhile, from Ballymena to Barnoldswick, from Wolverhampton to Worthing, from Halifax to Hartlepool, we’ve updated 25 of our existing titles from across the UK and Ireland. So read on to discover

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Hot Off The Press – New Titles This Week

This week at The Archive we are celebrating reaching a milestone of 70 million pages all now available to search, having added a remarkable 783,245 brand new pages over the last seven days alone. As if that wasn’t enough, we’ve added the wonderful Farnworth Chronicle, a lively Lancashire newspaper, to our collection this week, with updates to our holdings from across the United Kingdom. So read on to discover more about our new and updated titles of the week, and

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Hot Off The Press – New Titles This Week

This week at The Archive we have added three brand new titles from the Manchester area, with another brand new title joining us from Lincolnshire, as we have added 63,325 brand new pages to our collection over the last seven days alone. Meanwhile, from Chester to Dover, from Denbigh to Grimsby, we’ve updated nine of our existing titles. So read on to find out more about all of our new and updated titles of the week, and also to learn

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Hot Off The Press – New Titles This Week

After taking a well earned break last week, our presses have been working overtime to bring you 114,554 brand new newspaper pages from across Britain and Ireland, as we tell the story of the opening of Manchester United’s ground Old Trafford in February 1910. So read on to discover more about all of our new and updated titles of the week, and to learn about an important moment in football history. Register now and explore the Archive Our one and only, and therefore

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Hot Off The Press – New Titles This Week

This week at The Archive we have been immensely busy adding 397,534 brand new pages to our newspaper collection, with the addition of four brand new titles from Kent, Suffolk and Manchester. Meanwhile, we’ve been busy updating our existing titles from across England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. So read on to discover more about all of our new and updated titles of the week, and also to find out about the burning of Parliament in October 1834, where London witnessed its biggest fire since 1666. Register now and explore the

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A Look At Football In The Eighteenth Century

Bedford, November 1726 – On Wednesday the 23d Instant, a most obstinate and hard Match at Foot-ball was play’d near Great Harwood in this County, between 7 Men of the Village of Ranse, and the like Number of Great Harwood; which last had challenged the whole Kingdom to match them. The Contest was so great between them, that one of the Harwood’s Champions dropp’d down dead on the Spot, whose Brother being engaged on the same Side, would not leave

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Hot Off The Press – New Titles This Week

This week at The Archive we have added another 339,307 brand new pages to our collection, with 22 brand new titles joining us this week alone, from England, Wales and Scotland. Meanwhile, we have updated 57 of our existing titles, bringing you a feast of new pages for another week in a row. So read on to discover more about our new titles of the week, which include four Scottish newspapers and regional titles from eight English counties, as well as a special religious

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Guest Post: Researching Infanticide in Victorian Salford by Martin Baggoley

As part of our history of law and crime month on The Archive, we are delighted to featured a very special guest post by author and former probation officer Martin Baggoley, who has written extensively on the history of crime and punishment. In this guest post, Martin describes how he used The Archive to research the tragic topic of infanticide in Victorian Salford, a desperately sad chapter in Britain’s crime history. So read on to discover the methods that Martin

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Hot Off the Press – New Titles This Week

We have had another busy week here at The Archive, where the presses don’t stop whirring! In all, we have added another 98,718 brand new pages, with six brand new titles joining us this week. You’ll find new titles covering both the north and south of England, the south of Wales, and specialist titles that focus on the temperance and trade unionism movements in the Victorian era. So read on to discover more about our very special new titles of the week, as

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Hot Off The Press – New Titles This Week

It’s been another busy week for us here at The Archive as we have added 148,050 brand new pages over the past seven days. We are also delighted to welcome five brand new titles, hailing from Blackpool to Bridgend, from Dorset to Kenilworth, and a very special paper which was aimed at cotton factory workers in Lancashire. So read on to find out more about the Cotton Factory Times, our four other new regional titles, as well as to learn more about the extensive updates

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