Sheffield Independent | The British Newspaper Archive Blog


Cookery corner: Salads

The weather is starting to warm up, and the last thing most of us want to do is stand in a hot kitchen cooking.  This month we are taking a look at fresh, crisp salads.  After starting this exploration, I realised how little I knew about the fine art of salad creation and presentation.  Surprisingly, there were many full articles dedicated to salads as opposed to our other themes: cakes and biscuits.  Salad creation should be taken seriously; the newspapers

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National newspapers, local newspapers and cases of breach of promise

Denise Bates, historian and author of Breach of Promise to Marry: A History of How Jilted Brides Settled Scores, explains why local newspapers are often more useful for historical research than national newspapers.   **************   Breach of promise was a legal claim. It allowed a man or woman to demand financial compensation from their ex-fiancée or ex-fiancé if they broke their engagement to marry.  Newspapers are the best source of information about breach of promise cases, but there is

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Researching animals with historical newspapers

Hannah Velten recently got in touch to tell us how she uses The British Newspaper Archive to research a rather niche subject – the history of animals within society. Show us what you’re researching at the moment by emailing [email protected]   **************   One day it could be a toad emerging from a rock or a person kicked by a horse – I never know what I’m going to find when I log into The British Newspaper Archive each day.

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