Fashion Findings | The British Newspaper Archive Blog - Part 3


Winter holiday fashion

Unsure of what to wear for rockin’ around the Christmas tree? Or worried about finding that perfect gift of stylish fashion for a loved one? Concerned about keeping warm while on the slopes or simply embarking on some Christmas shopping? Fret not! Our newspapers are overflowing with advice and ideas for all your fashion concerns this holiday season. Dressing for the occasion Everyone is busily engaged making preparations for Christmas, and albeit it is essentially the children’s season, there are

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Knitting and fashion in the Second World War


In discussing the fashions during the Second World War, we turn to the pages of Britannia and Eve.  Along with providing general news, this paper has dedicated sections on such topics as fashion, home, and knitting. Wonderful illustrations and photographs are included amongst its pages. Explore all our fashion findings here! Knitting Knitting advice and patterns are no strangers to the pages of our newspapers. It could be said that the value of such readily available information was made all the

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Economy and utility in wartime fashion

new clothes from old

War impacts every part of life, some more obvious than others. In this post, we will explore the impact of war on fashion; particularly, we will look at how the topics of economy and quality shaped war-time fashion. The article excerpts included in this post are from two recurring columns: ‘The Highway of Fashion‘, printed in The Tatler, and ‘Fashions by Jean Burnup‘, printed in Britannia and Eve. Explore knitting and fashion in the Second World War Economy With the ever-present threat

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Fashion and the Great War

War and wardrobe

When you first think of the Great War, I’d wager that fashion is not the first thing to come to mind. However, it was, in fact, on the mind of many who lived through those years of war. There are several series dedicated to the topic of fashion that ran throughout the war years and that you can find in The British Newspaper Archive: (1) ‘Woman’s Sphere in War Time’, printed in The Sphere; (2) ‘Woman’s Ways’, printed in The

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Woman’s Sphere in War Time gallery


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Fashion findings – autumn knitting

As autumn gets truly underway, the warm clothes come out and the knitting needles start clacking. Knitting has a long tradition. This versatile skill could be utilised at anytime — and often was. Printed in the Illustrated War News in 1914, a group of women were photographed knitting in a wine cellar during bombardments in Rheims. Womanly sympathy with the soldiers is taking the practical form on the Continent, and in our own country, of knitting “comforts” for them, but the

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