Cornwall | The British Newspaper Archive Blog


Hot Off The Press – New Titles This Week

As we come to the end of August we have a bumper week for you here at The Archive, as we have added 265,138 brand new pages, and we explore one of the wettest Augusts on record, that of 1912. Meanwhile, we’ve added three brand new titles for you, from London, Lancashire and Cornwall, whilst from Bath to Belfast, from Hinckley to Holyhead, from Paddington to Portsmouth, we’ve updated 31 of our existing titles. So read on to discover more

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Hot Off The Press – New Titles This Week

This week at The Archive is a Scotsman special as we have added over 400,000 brand new pages to this seminal Scottish newspaper, spanning the years 1951 to 2002. We are delighted, furthermore, to announce the extension of our partnership with The Scotsman publishers National World, which will see many millions of new pages join our collection in the months and years to come. And that’s not all this week. Overall, we have added 572,692 brand new pages to our

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Hot Off The Press – New Titles This Week

This week at The Archive we are delighted to welcome 675,584 brand new pages to our collection, as we introduce 6 brand new titles, including our first ever newspaper from the country of Malta. Meanwhile, we have updated an astounding 96 of our existing titles, from Acton to Ayrshire, from Billericay to Bridgend, from Gwent to Galloway, from Plymouth to Pontypridd, we have added new pages to titles from across England, Wales and Scotland. So read on to discover more

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Hot Off The Press – New Titles This Week

This week at The Archive we have added an amazing 293,242 brand new pages, with 29 brand new titles joining us from Scotland, Wales and eighteen English counties. Meanwhile, we have also been busy attending to our existing titles, with 60 of these updated in all over the past seven days. With all these brand new pages added to The Archive, we now have over 48 million pages available to search, with the milestone of 50 million pages on the horizon. So read on to discover more about all

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Hot Off The Press – New Titles This Week

This week at The Archive we are celebrating reaching another incredible milestone – we now have over 45 million pages available to search, with 134,854 new pages being added in the last week alone. If this wasn’t enough, we have also added eight brand new titles this week, spanning London, Liverpool, Nottinghamshire, Kent and Cornwall, whilst we have also updated 15 of our existing titles. So read on to discover more about our new and updated titles of the week, as well as to discover more about a

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Hot Off The Press – New Titles This Week

This week at The Archive we are delighted to welcome 60,552 brand new pages to our collection, with the addition of a very special early London daily title, as well as extensive updates to some of our existing publications. So read on to discover more about this week’s new title – the Morning Herald (London) – as well as to find out which of our newspaper holdings we have updated. Meanwhile, you can also discover more about early nineteenth century daredevil balloonist André-Jacques Garnerin,

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Hot Off The Press – New Titles This Week

This week at The Archive we have added 71,798 brand new pages to our ever growing collection, with a duo of brand new titles joining us this week too, from Cornwall and Buckinghamshire respectively. So read on to discover more about which new titles we have added, the ten titles we have updated, and also to find out more about the last moments of Mary Pearcey, condemned to death in 1890 for murder. Register now and explore the Archive The first new title of

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Celebrating the History of Black British Musicians – Five Black British Musicians and Their Legacies

October is Black History Month, and to celebrate, here at The Archive we are uncovering the amazing stories of Black British figures from history. In this first of a series of special blogs, we begin by celebrating the work of five Black British musicians, and highlighting their amazing legacies, using newspapers taken from The Archive. Register now and explore The Archive So read on to discover more about child prodigy George Bridgetower who took the courts of Europe by storm

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